When this comic was new, my family was living in Spokane, Washington. My dad’s job had him briefly transferred there. I was only eight but already a voracious reader. My reading habits didn’t normally include superhero comics, though. At that time, my only monthly comicbook was Marvel’s Star Wars. There were some rare superhero purchases. What made me choose this issue? First was probably name-brand familiarity; my only regular comic was a Marvel and so was this one. Second was probably the cover.
The cover (by Bob Layton and Terry Austin) is in two parts. The top two-thirds, in addition to the logo, corner symbol, price, etc, features Ant-Man. He’s riding a winged ant among a swarm of similar flying insects. They are under attack by energy beams and many of the ants are being hit. The blurb proclaims “All-Out Action with the Astonishing Ant-Man!” The remaining, lower part of the cover shows Iron Man tearing through some kind of bulkhead or door. That part declares “And if you’re real nice—maybe Iron Man will show up too!”