Contrary to My First Issue being the first issue, I did not start reading Jon Sable, Freelance in 1983. At age ten, I would have been far to young to read this particular title. I didn’t actually have a copy of the first issue, either. I had a trade paperback containing the first five issues. The first issue is a “done in one” and the rest of the issues comprised a single story. Since #1 was the first issue in that TPB, I’ll call it “My First Issue.” Unlike most of the titles I’ve written about, I actually don’t know how I came to have this particular comic. I rather suspect that it was a bargain at the Portland Comic Book Show but I just don’t know. I’ve long since given that original TPB to a friend since I have the individual issues now. My copy of #1 is signed by series creator Mike Grell. The cover, story, pencils, and inks were all by Grell.
I do like the cover of the first issue. It has a clear logo. The upper parts of the “b” and “l” in “Sable” resemble the horns of the sable animal. Most of the cover has Sable in black outfit and battlemask firing his gun in front of a nighttime cityscape. The lower quarter of the cover is a close up of Sable (also firing his gun) with his head in cross-hairs. The cover sends a clear message: this is an action comic. I find it interesting that Grell had the cover art done a long time before the comic’s June ’83 publication. The signature at the bottom says “Mike Grell ’82.”