AAlgar Productions isn't one show but another Northwest-based podcast network and is headed by Ron "AAlgar" Watt. Their shows, both active and inactive, include "Kids Love Batman" (covering the Paul Dini led animated universe), "Endeavor" (amazing full-cast original "Star Trek" stories), "The Post Atomic Horror" (the most complete "Star Trek" review show ever), and "The Death of Podcasts" (covering all of Terry Pratchett's "Discworld" stories).
Titan Up the Defense was "A Podcast That Would Probably Benefit From a Tagline." The intrepid heroes Hub and Corey endeavor to read and discuss the entire "New Teen Titans" series AND the entire "Defenders" series. Using only their wits, Hub's comicbook collection, and a not insignificant amount of alcohol, these brave men attempt the Sisyphean task of wringing coherence from the four-color world of '70s & '80s comics.
Titan Up the Defense has now been replaced by the very sporadic Champions of Digression.
Daunted by complex continuity? Can't tell a mutate from a warpie? Jay & Miles are here for you. They have been training for this responsibility for decades. They have the back issues, the calluses, and a really detailed map of the Summers family tree.
Each episode, Rick introduces a different friend to a movie that the friend has never seen. After some initials thoughts about the movie they take a break to watch it. Back together online, Rick interviews them about what they thought of the movie! Movies discussed have included Blade, Pulp Fiction, and Seven Samurai.
Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout appears in the Longbox Crusade feed along with many other fine shows.
Bela Lugosi. Boris Karloff. John Agar. These are the patron saints of Monster Kid Radio, the Rondo Award-winning podcast celebrating the classic--and sometimes not-so-classic--genre cinema of yesteryear. Your host, Derek M. Koch, is joined by a special guest each episode to talk about a favorite monster movie and other topics related to those creature features of times gone by.
Bride of Monster Kid Radio is technically no longer a Pacifc Northwest podcast since Derek and his wife moved to Arizone but I'm not going to hold that against them.
Jeff (a different Jeff) and Rick (a different Rick than my dad) journey through each issue of the most underrated Marvel series of the '80s while drinking beer. Join them in rediscovering the joy of the "Power Pack" comic.
Married couple Eli & Diana asked an A.I. Chatbot to pick out a movie to watch. But it turned evil, took over their TV, and it's demanding they sit through randomly selected movies or it will destroy humanity! Now they've got the only movie review podcast that might save the world.
Tony Goldmark and friends watch and then discuss randomly selected programs from the Disney+ streaming service. At the end of the day, was the program a Disney Plus--or a Disney Minus?
The Fire and Water Podcast Network has almost three DOZEN geek-related shows, active and inactive, including "Justice League International: The Bwa Ha Ha Podcast", "Who's Who - The Definitive Podcast of the DC Universe", "Once Upon a Geek", "M*A*S*H Cast", and "TreasuryCast".
A story analysis show wherein two old friend (both TF fans since '84) rewatch an episode of the original "Transformers" cartoon and convene to talk about what they saw. Hosted by Jerzy Drozd and Hoover. This show is no longer producing new episodes.
Gardening is more complicated than water and soil. It's about something deeper. It's about Skeletor. Skeletor guides you through the perils and pitfalls of gardening with edicts, orders, and the occasional command. Garden Plots With Skeletor: it's definitely not a scheme!
Geeks Without God features three geeky atheist comedians based in Minnesota. They talk about geek stuff through a secular lens. Sometimes. Other times they just geek out all over the place. They enjoy bringing in both secular and religious guests to talk about everything from our favorite TV shows, video games, and books to secularism in politics.
They also make jokes.
MeganBob and a rotating group of cohosts take 21 characters from existing properties and rank how, um, sexually attractive they are as lovers (not by just appearance). Very much Not Safe For Work!
The Longbox Crusade produces many geek-related podcasts. The two that I listen to are "G.I. Joes Chronicles" and "Transformers Chronicles."
A podcast of fights and feels. A biweekly "NXT" review show for would-be wrestling fans who don't know where to start and current wrestling fans who want to relive the magic of that first time.
The NXT Wresting Fan has stopped producing new episodes but is still worth listening to.
Your guide to the world of "Doctor Who" outside of television. Books, audios, comics--if it was a "Doctor Who" spinoff in other media, odds are it was covered at some point before the show ended in 2017. Featuring Whovians Josh Wilson, Ashley Raburn, Rachel Stewart, and Jeff Polier--they covered all the stories too broad and too deep for television.
Listen every month for reviews of Wonder Woman comics from throughout her 75+ year history as well as the classic '70s TV show and news abour Wonder Woman on the big screen!