"My First Issue of..." was a blog I wrote longer ago than I can accurately remember. 2007-ish. It's long enough ago that only one of them is even still online anywhere. I'd thought that I might make the series into a podcast but that never happened. Instead, here is an archive of my musings about the first comics in which I read Superman, Batman, the X-Men, and many more. They are presented more-or-less in the order they were originally presented. Most of the entries have a "next issue" at the bottom but a few don't so the order is partly certain and partly guesswork. I can be sure that "My First Issue of X-Factor" was the last one because it teased that I'd cover the New Mutants next--but I never did.

     This isn't a static reproduction, though. These entries may have been re-edited and have new text & hyperlinks.

This page is a work in progress. You can select any cover to be taken to that issue's page if that one has been posted already.

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